Tag Archives: whinging

No Whinging

I can’t stand whinging. And certain kids of ours are quite good at it! The phrase ‘stop whinging’ has had a good workout, now it’s time for something more creative. So I’ve made up a song. It won’t win platinum, but it’s been gold in our house over the last few days. A nice little tool in the parenting chest for relevant moments, and the kids are even having fun with it! It stops the whinging and brings a laugh. Josiah doesn’t like having it sung at him, so he sings it back louder. I don’t mind – he’s singing the message!

In this video, we sang it for Kristin for the first time. Kiara and Micah joined in the fun. Josiah wasn’t interested – he just wanted us to hurry up and finish so he could continue playing his game with dad, but he had a laugh reading my blog just now. Summer and Sarah are at a respite house this weekend, so they missed out on being in the video.