Monthly Archives: September 2024

Hidden in Plain Sight

The Advantage of a Seeking Heart

Photo by Arturrro on Unsplash

I’ve been getting to know God for some time now.

And I’ve noticed things about him.

One of those things, is that he is very clever with communication.

He speaks on one level, but there are multiple levels embedded that are not noticed by everyone.

And he’s quite comfortable with that.

I find that intriguing.

It reminds me of something Jesus said.

He used to tell parables, during his three years of public ministry.

Stories, that anyone could relate to, but which had a point.

Everyone understood the parables, but not everyone understood the point.

Jesus acknowledged this, saying,

‘“You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.” Matthew 13:14

I find that fascinating.

I get that not everybody gets everything. But it’s curious to me, that God is comfortable with not being obvious to everyone.

I suspect it’s something to do with seeking people’s hearts, not their minds.

For elsewhere God says,

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Lately, I find myself writing similarly.

Writing to connect at some level with anyone. But embedding deeper things to be discovered. And knowing that not everyone will find it. For some reason, there’s a joy in hiding things.

Perhaps this is because it’s then more special for the one that does take the time to look deeper and see. And they know it’s special, because they know if they just skimmed they would have missed it. And it is more valuable because they took the time.

I reflect on this, and think the joy is likewise for God and the seeker. Those who find him, are like the one who found treasure in a field. And sell everything they own, so they have enough to buy the field to have the treasure. And their joy is full because they know what it is worth.