And that’s what I want to say to YOU – ‘God did a good job when he made you!’ He didn’t stuff up. You’re not a half attempt. He’s the expert at making people. He’s the ultra creator, the masterpiece maker. And that’s what you are – a masterpiece.
So why hide? So why look down on yourself? Why try and fit in with everyone else. You are unique. You are amazing. You reflect the extravagance and amazing mind of the greatest being EVER.
Be who you have been made to be. Be all of it. Don’t hold back. Don’t let fear hold you back.
Unleash you. Hahahaha! YES!!!!!
Personally I find myself most free and most authentic in God. When I live and breathe in him, I get free. I become myself. Because God is my source, my creator and my enabler.
Why not draw from the life source. Connect with him. That’s where true freedom is! That’s where you find out who you really are.
*Lovely gold frame picture from